Sunday, March 4, 2007

Travelin' Times

I just wanted to take this opportunity to let everybody know that I will be out of town on business for my day job for a long time in March -- from Tuesday, March 6th, through Thursday, March 15th. I'll miss the meeting of March 12th.

I always struggle with how much to travel for my day job as an urban planning consultant and writer. On the one hand, every day out of town is a day I don't have with my constituents experiencing Ventura. On the other hand, traveling gives me a broader perspective on how communities work and how they deal with different issues.

Most of this trip will be spent in Charleston, South Carolina, where I will be working with my colleagues Neal Peirce and Curtis Johnson of The Citistates Group
( We will be researching a major report on the status of the Charleston region that will be published later this year in the Charleston newspaper. I'll let you know if I come up with anything interesting.

Of course, the internet in particular makes is pretty easy to stay plugged in to what's going on in Ventura. I'll be available by email and phone; I'll read the Star ... and I may even post a blog or two.